July 21, 2010

How-Tuesday: Mountain Lodge Wall Hanging

How-Tuesday: Wood Wall Hanging With Meg Allen Cole from Etsy on Vimeo.

I am very proud to announce that I am in this week's How-Tuesday video over at Etsy. I make a wood wall hanging that I would imagine seeing in a 1950's basement, a mountain lodge, or in Twin Peaks. I saw all of these freshen fallen branches in Maine and wanted to bring some of that relaxed, natural feel to Brooklyn. It's my first video outside of Threadbanger for quite some time, so I hope you enjoy it!

Here it is on YouTube so you can go over and favorite, comment and share!

July 19, 2010


This week I am the guest curator over at Crescendoh. Each day there will be new, fresh links and articles I have hunted and gathered just for you. This comes during a week that I am SWAMPED with work, so while Nest has a little rest, click Crescendoh daily for your new and cool nesting and handmade links, images and inspiration. From textile jewelry, urban gardening and the best of on-line mags, I list my favorites each day this whole week. Read, click, and enjoy!

July 15, 2010

Tiny apartment = 24 rooms

This is one of the most innovative and unique living spaces I have ever seen. It's amazing and crazy! What are your thoughts?

Comforter Gracie

Sometimes I can't find Gracie and then I see a little wiggling bump under the covers and there she is.

Cedar Tree Wall Art

I found this big piece of a cedar tree at the Union Square farmer's market a few weeks ago. I just loved the look of it, and it smells so fresh and lovely. It was a tree that had fallen down, and being cedar, it can be used as a natural pest repellent, and in my eyes, as a piece of art. I just added a simple hanger piece to the back and it's ready to go up.

Here it is hanging on the wall in our living room. I love it.

I may leave it as is, and I may sand it, stain it, and add a high gloss lacquer to it. Then I might add a little clock face to the lower left-hand circle shape to make it a little mid-century time-telling machine. What is your vote? Leave as is, or follow through to the next few steps?

July 14, 2010

Linus Clyde

This is Linus Clyde, our bunny rabbit. I adopted him my first winter in New York, seven and a half years ago. He was a baby and was found in a frozen over garden in Soho with no food or water. Originally a wild bunny, living in New York, he must have been adopted or caught and then let go into the garden. Once domesticated, bunnies can not survive on their own, so he needed a loving home. He found it.

When I lived in Manhattan with Justin (best friend), Linus hopped all around the apartment, jumped around, and was free a lot of the time. He is so hilarious and frisky and when he would get really excited, he would run up the wall.

Our Brooklyn apartment is way too dangerous for him, so a few years ago we researched how to adapt your bunnies to be able to live outside. He was originally a wild bunny and can adjust when put out in early Spring. This gives the bunny enough time for his body to adapt to the outside elements. Last week's high temperature was a bit much, so I took Linus in for a nice, cool bath. Here he is right after all wet and adorable and cleaning his little paws.

Linus lives in a two-story condo in the back yard. He loves it and runs up and down his ramp. We also let him out to romp around (withOUT the beagle present, of course). He is a sweetheart and is quite snuggly. Although when reaching in to feed him from above, he still tries to bite us daily. Bless his wild, rescued self.

And you guys, seriously, when he yawns and you see his little pink mouth and tiny white teeth, IT IS THE CUTEST THING OF ALL TIME!

July 13, 2010

Tree Table & Paper Walls

While walking around in DUMBO a few weeks ago, Will and I saw these gorgeous tree coffee tables. I just saw one in Stephanie & Ian's House Tour. They have a lovely home filled with repurposed items, including this rad newspaper wallpapered wall.

I love this effect, and when I have a library (someday??) I would like to do a DIY version using antique books, as seen on Ruche.

Perhaps this is the solution the the Stacked Books Wallpaper post.

July 11, 2010

Lost Things

Lost Things is a short stop-motion film written & directed by Angela Kohler with a lovely song by A Fine Frenzy.

July 9, 2010

Home Sweet Home

If you are like me and your favorite thing is to be able to get sneak peek's into people's homes (don't judge), then I have found the place for you.

There is ENDLESS decor inspiration, ideas, and spy-worthy posts on Home Sweet Home. Lose yourself for hours scrolling through lovely interiors or submit your own.

I am LOVING these bed nooks! The more cocoon-like the better!

Enjoy and have a lovely weekend!

Gracie & Rasputin

Gracie's really good friend, Rasputin, is a precious and precocious Siamese cat who lives in the apartment below ours.

They met when Rasputin was a little teeny tiny friend, so I truly do not think they know they are even different species. Gracie twirls right in front of his face and he swats at her tail. They are a match made in heaven.

Although don't tell Milo, he hunts our little kitty friend so now we have play-dates at Rasp's house.

July 8, 2010

Ageless Kid's Room

This is 6-year-old E's room, as seen on Oh Dee Doh, but I am digging it for any age. The bare wood bed frame paired with mid-century Danish furniture and a rich turquoise keeps it simple yet interesting.

A lovely deer and a great DIY card display.

I'll take the tee pee and the closet trap door too!

July 7, 2010

Rosemary Woodhouse's Wardrobe

I only want to wear pieces that would appear in Rosemary Woodhouse's wardrobe.

The wardrobe in "Rosemary's Baby" is mod babydoll frocks, pastel muumuus, the perfect pregnant pixie cut, over-sized Peter Pan collars, with a back drop of New York City in the '70's creates the quintessential aesthetic for a hot Summer in the city.

Other parts of this film that reach aesthetic perfection: Ruth Gordon and THE INTERIORS OF THE DAKOTA. I can barely handle the wallpaper and clean, crisp, white decor. I would live IN this movie, even with the devil spawn present.

Summer Nautical Perfection

This is what Summer should look like. JFK and Jackie, image found on La Dolce Vita, a lovely blog.

July 6, 2010

The Black Room

While I love a crisp, clean modern white palette for most of my home, I am really loving the idea of having one black room.

A classic black room with pops of rich colors like gold, blue and magenta can create a really sophisticated and inspired atmosphere.

This kitchen is the first black room that really sparked my interest. There is a perfect balance with the white cabinets and refrigerator. The clean black and white let the aqua door and art work really shine.

A black bedroom serves as a dark cocoon to read, relax and rest in.

Donatella Versace's version includes bold white moldings to give the dark space structure and depth.

On the chic black walls I would have gold accents like these Brass Wall Flowers.

Images from Domino, Apartment Therapy and Living Etc.

July 4, 2010

The Maine Frame

My husband, Will, and dogs Milo and Gracie and I recently visited some friends up in Maine for the first time. This trip was my farthest trip up North and it exceeded my expectations. The drive through Connecticut and Massachusetts was gorgeous, and when we arrived in Portland, we could see right away what are friends, Nathaniel, Teresa and little Axel love about it. There is art, culture, great restaurants and little shops, all surrounded by harbors with local lobster boats and fisherman bringing home aquatic delicacies calling my name.

We took a ferry out to Chebeague Island, an island about an hour off of the coast of Portland. Home to about 300 residents year-round, Chebeague has a small-town island feel and is surrounded by gorgeous rocky beaches.

One of the best parts of the trip was the house we stayed in, a family home that has been in Nathaniel's family for six generations. Dark wood with a fresh white kitchen, black and white family photos spanning generations, three outdoor decks, and the most refreshing outdoor shower in the world, this house was New England perfection. We ate fried clams and steamed our own lobster and enjoyed a nice fire in the cool evening.

Days were filled with trips to the beach with the mutts and little Axel, exploring the island, collecting shells, seeing deer, seals, and foxes.

In the next week or two, Etsy will post a video where I make some really rad wall art using found objects from our trip. Until then, enjoy the gorgeous seaside escape.