September 17, 2013

Williamsburg to Boerum Hill

Our lovely block. I think the Huxtables are our neighbors.

 This weekend we MOVED! We left our home of almost 9 years, and went from being residents of Williamsburg to Boerum Hill. If Brooklyn was it's own city it would be the 4th largest in the country, meaning this borough has many different pockets and neighborhoods to choose from. We went from an industrial block being overtaken by construction bordering a highway, to a tree-lined brownstone block. A move is overwhelming mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially, but even in these first couple of days it feels right. After an insane year filled with so much change, this move was a physical manifestation of the major transformation we've been through. We left all that was familiar behind and together have put ourselves in a better place.

The original tin ceilings in our new home.