September 10, 2012

Modern String Art

I made this modern string art LAST YEAR and have yet to do anything with it. If I had a dolla' for every time THAT happens I would be richer than all the housewives. It looks pretty sweet below my DIY driftwood wallgarden and next to some handmade cardboard diamonds and brings some texture and dimension to the room.

 Read on to see how to make one yourself.

To do it yourself, simply use a ruler and pencil as a guide to measure and space out a grid of holes. Knot your string and start from the back of the canvas and add in the design of your choice. These detail shots should give you a clear idea of how I made this way easy string art design. Feel free to print the photo below to use as your guide to create your own.

I kept mine simple and clean, but go all out and keep adding layers for a more intricate design.

1 comment:

Caleisha said...

I really like this idea. It's def going on my 'after holiday craft' artsy to do list :)


PS: I miss your Decor it Yourself videos. You are amazing. ^.^