February 17, 2009


Aren't these mushrooms just delicious? Not always the fan of cooked mushrooms, I am a little obsessed with looking at them. They are fascinating specimens and I fell in love with these vintage prints. I shared the link with my friend Alison, and she surprised me with a care package with them in it.

I can't wait to find the perfect spot in my kitchen for them. I am going to string some twine up and hang them by clothespins so we can look at mushrooms, even if we don't always cook with them.

These were in the vintage section of Nation Creations shop on Etsy.


Anonymous said...

You would enjoy these mushrooms more if they were a) stuffed with crabmeat b) grilled c) marinated in a vinaigrette instead of just cooked. Of course you can always hide them in a rich sauce of some sort. Or you can just look at them! Enjoy.

Alison Odowski said...

glad you like them so much m'dear! i kept 2 of them for myself. i framed one in a vintage frame and it sits on my sewing desk.

i adore mushrooms. i eat em up!!

ps-i love Nest's new look!!! fabfabfab!