In December, while visiting Alison Appleseeds in Tampa, and hitting up the Atomic Holiday Craft Bazaar, I met the woman behind Humble Bumble Bee. I was immediately taken by her killer pill box hat, and asked to snap a photograph. Check out the pill box hat section of the website for more colors and styles.

This mustard hat is to die for!

Have you ever seen anything as chic as these flight hats?
Soon after, Corinne from Threadbanger donned one of Miss Bee's head adornments and got an incredible response. These amazingly adorable accessories are classic with a modern twist.

A handmade throw-back to Jackie Kennedy, and an era in fashion when pocket watches and ladies long white gloves were en vogue. I applaud Humble Bumble Bee's "effort to bring back the hat, one lady and gentleman at a time."
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