Do you have a store, Etsy shop, website, book, zine, band, film, or show that you want to promote? Nest is now offering the chance to advertise to our 500-1000 daily readers.

With the economy and your wallets in mind, we are offering a super-friendly and WAY fair price of $20 per month, and a nice bulk package for 3 months for $50. In return, your shop's 200px x 200px banner will appear along the side of this blog. Nest has over 300 "followers" and gets about 500 hits per average day, with 900-1000 when we have a giveaway or new episode. These nesters come here to find shops and projects just like yours! Now is the chance to introduce yourself.

We have some exciting future press opportunities which will increase our readership, so this is the perfect time to advertise with us.
Spread the word to your DIY, handmade or artist friends and we can build a larger community to help each other out.
xox, Meg

With the economy and your wallets in mind, we are offering a super-friendly and WAY fair price of $20 per month, and a nice bulk package for 3 months for $50. In return, your shop's 200px x 200px banner will appear along the side of this blog. Nest has over 300 "followers" and gets about 500 hits per average day, with 900-1000 when we have a giveaway or new episode. These nesters come here to find shops and projects just like yours! Now is the chance to introduce yourself.

We have some exciting future press opportunities which will increase our readership, so this is the perfect time to advertise with us.
Spread the word to your DIY, handmade or artist friends and we can build a larger community to help each other out.
xox, Meg
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