July 15, 2016

Angie's List Event

I was recently invited to attend the New York City event for Angie's List's new membership model. Angie's List is a leading provider of trusted reviews of over 700 different service categories to help improve people's home lives. That is what Nest and I are all about, so this seemed like the perfect event and fit for me and you darling readers. I LOVE finding ways to support and uplift working women, so that we can create the lives we want and can be proud of. Often, women feel pulled in so many different directions, and we want to excel at both our home life and our careers. With both being full-time jobs, we sometimes end up feeling like we are failing at both. Never fear, ladies. WE ARE NOT. We are doing great. But when it doesn't feel like that, we might need a little extra support or help. Any home task or chore that can be made easier, more simple, and with a person or company that is 100% vetted and trusted, I believe this can help us working women follow through with the tasks at hand, while allowing as much time to spend with our loved ones as possible. THAT is why I really dig this new service. 

I wasn't quite sure how Angie's List could really elevate me at my level of life right now. But when I heard that Angie's List has trusted reviews on renter-friendly DIY projects and upgrades, housecleaning, AND pet sitters, walkers, groomers, and veterinarians, I knew this was going to be an invaluable, supportive and helpful service for me and my furry babies! For a working, busy woman whose life revolves around her beloved (elderly, high-maintenance) rescue dogs, this is where I got really excited. My dogs have health and behavioral issues (from both cancer and abuse from a previous home), so they can not just go to any dog care facility or kennel. I've been nervous to even use a dog walker because I've heard horror stories of non-insured and uncertified dog walkers not handling animals the way we would want our sweet souls to be cared for. A trusted reference and resource that holds businesses accountable would go a long way with me for my pups, and with my friends and their kids. 

The event took place in a gorgeous home in the West Village, so instantly I was dreaming of owning my own, or at least making upgrades to the current apartment I am renting. In between tasting the delicious treats that were displayed in adorable ways, I mingled with Angie's List service providers who offer support and services to home owners and renters, and picked up some very helpful takeaway tips. 

For instance, carve a graphic message into a watermelon when serving fruit salad at your next get together because that is pretty adorable! And, when having work done on your home, make sure redoing the floor is saved for last. 

The event was specifically celebrating the new features on Angie's List, including free membership and new membership levels.

Angie started her very successful business 20 years ago, and after building such a successful platform I had to ask for a takeaway tip for those of us who have our own businesses. Angie said "perseverance", and then left me with "always go for it, the worst thing that can happen is someone says 'No'." A great reminder to go out there and make it happen for yourself, be it in the home or in the office, WE are the ones who create our own lives. 

Thank you Angie, Angie's List, and you dear readers for reading my content. This is a sponsored post, and one that I chose with care and thought. I only partner with brands and companies that I believe will offer you valuable, helpful support for your home and lives. 

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