March 29, 2007

Black, White and In Between.

Holy Rosemary's Baby! I love this homage to Mia Farrow in this beautifully delicate, feminine White Ruffled Collar Baby Doll Dress by Valentine Leung. Stunning.

Why, hello there, perfect 1950's, Katherine Hepburn-style-trousers. Get into my wardrobe immediately please. And, thank you.

Fantastically casual, with remarkable couture detailing and lines. This black jumper would make a great staple piece in your wardrobe. make it casual with jeans, wedges, chunky wood, mod, accessories, or go all gold for a a classic, evening look. This piece is expensive, but would work with so much.

These White Tina Sandals from S&J are almost exact replicas of the sandals my mom had her bridesmaids rock in her 1975 wedding to my dad. They are fantastic and would look amazing with almost any Spring or Summer outfit.

Les Prairies de Paris by Black Josephine Jersey Strapless Dress can take to every event you have on your calender in the next few years. Classic and simple, this elegant sheath strapless dress comes with a jersey tie to belt how you choose. It works as a basic, yet elegant canvas for unique vintage jewelry. Wear this dress with large, gold ghetto hoops and pieces, or go dressy with heals, and your favorite pieces of jewelry with an antique beaded clutch. This dress can create a million different looks, from boots to flip flips to vintage Italian leather heals, to wedges. Worth the price tag. A forever piece. Love it.

This Dark Grey Tulip Dress with Front Buttons by Willow mixes vintage with modern and creates a totally unique cut and look. This dress has amazing construction. Cool lines, and I love the grey color mixed with bright, rich Spring hues and tones. Deep turquoise, a rich, dark purple, a bright yellow. These colors would make the duller grey pop for Spring and Summer.

Oh, dark blue denim jumper, please come home with me and become my uniform for life. You could do everything from housework to roller skating in this fabulous costume of the day.......
You can find most of these fabulous frocks at the Satine Boutiquein L.A.


More power to you, Miss Steinem. Gloria Steinem is an intelligent, gentle, courageous, independent and fascinating woman, whom I admire for her life's work, and for her great style. Be it her quirky, perfectly over-sized glasses, the way she wears a casual, loose ponytail over her up-turned collared, tailored shirt, or the way she wears a classic, black sheath, or a bold print top paired with large, mod accessories. This lady has class, style, and grace in every look she rocks.

All the while eloquently and kindly speaking out about human and women's rights. Leading by example rather than preaching what an idea of feminism should be, Steinem is a true role model. Gloria Steinem is comfortable in her own skin. She accepts herself, which is something we as women should do more. Accept ourselves and our bodies for the lovely, weird, interesting, unique look and style that is our own, and embrace it. What could be more beautiful than that?

March 27, 2007

Muss Beach Dress

You've done it again, Miss Morgan. This beach dress is right on the money. I can feel the sand between my toes, feel the warmth of the late-afternoon sunset kissing my cheeks, and can hear the Bob Marley steal drums kickin' a tight, relaxed reggae beat.

Morgan's MUSS line of 'thrift-store couture' impressed the hell out of the masses at the first Stylistics event, and will also kick it at Stylistics 2 in Washington, D.C. on April 21st at the Rock and Roll Hotel. Be there or be square.

And be sure to keep checking Morgan's D.C. Style Guide, PANDAHEAD for killer, unique style on the streets.

My heart skips a beat for these straight-from-heaven chocolate boots. Wow.

Lookin' good, El Harto. (lower left)

Lovely, simple, classic, and unique.

FANTASTIC! Thank you, Morgan, for highlighting a diverse group of D.C. kids with style.

From ghetto-fabulous, to this amazingly awesome friend of Little Edie Beale.

Morgan enriches the already aesthetically-exhilarating Style Guide by interviewing bands, indie innovative companies, artists and boutiques. Pandahead conducted a hilarious interview with Rory Sheridan who started his own indie design company, Super Perfect Hair.

Go find PANDAHEAD's interview with Rory now to read all about Mr. Perfect's style influences and his fashion inspiration. You'll be sure to stumble across hours worth of a fashion feast while locating this clever little conversation on the good, the bad and the ugly.

Super Perfect Logo Tee

Super Perfect RAMBO Tee. Love this.

Go check it out and see why Marty McFly is still one of Mr. Sheridan's fav style icons, and should be yours.

I feel you, Rory.

March 26, 2007

Birds of a feather

Fantastically ethereal, natural paintings with mages of birds, trees, and nests. You can find very reasonably priced 8" x 8" prints in Kendra's Etsy shop, mounted on a 1/2" thick birch wood panel, and covered with a clear plastic resin. The resin adds a gloss and protection to your lovely piece.

I'm Ignoring You
Please Don't Leave

Leave Forever and Don't Come Back

You Were Gone Too Long

Someone To Throw Stones At

I love, love, love that her work is mounted on wood. That is a great detail that makes Kendra Binney's work even mores special and rare.

I'm Sorry I Killed You

March 20, 2007

Throw me a bone. A Dogbone.

Dogbone ArtDogbone Art has great plushies, toys, buttons, tees and more. All of Laura's items are hand screen printed from her own designs, and are all a unique take on images we all know and love.If you have any little buddies who's Easter basket needs filling, check out Dogbone's above funny bunnies, or one of my favorites, the Easter GOLD TOOTH Funny Bunny Screen Printed Plushie. SO funny and cute. I kinda want one for myself. This shop is cuter than a button. But not cuter than these buttons...

awwwww. Poor Panda.

London calling

Gather your gourmet teas, infusers and special mugs here at Leaf. There is nothing better for this crazy confusing weather that we are having than sitting down with a hot cup of quality infused tea. So good for your body, mind and spirit. Leaf is a grassroots, independent British company that promises to provide 100% natural teas and products. As if that wasn't enough to win over your heart, Leaf also gives 10% of their profits to charity. They are fantastic.

On this lovely forest scene, you have your choice of which lovely little animal you would like nesting in the woods. You can either have a beautiful brown horse that appears to be drinking from the lake, or a lovely little blue bird perched on a branch.

March 19, 2007


I love my sister.

Ashley G. captures the tender connection, protective loyalty, and comfortable companonship that only siblings know in this lovely print, Sisters. Seeing this brought me back to the backseat of our family's yellow Oldsmobile with only a pink boombox separating us, giggling, getting into troublle and listening to inappropriate music. Love you, mean it, Lolo.